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Bible End Times Prophecy

* Here are a series of links from Google Docs, which cover a wide range of Bible Prophecy and current events, a lot of which are covered on this site. Please feel free to share these links with friends or families or other churches to help get the word out. Also, it may be good to print some of these out or save as a PDF, as we are not guaranteed internet access and I believe many professing Christians will be left behind because they are not yet ready.

Civil War, Martial Law

Talks of a UN Soldiers deployment to the US, US Marines on standby for Martial Law, a Bolshevick style Presidential Coup in the works, and more. Pressing matters, rapture imminent:


Dividing Jerusalem

Trump's "Peace Deal of the Century" released publicly (Jan. 2020) will give parts of East Jerusalem (Palistinian Capital) and the West Bank to the Palestinian Authorities. This will cause God to divide and cut America to pieces (Zechariah 12:3). The US Congress voted for a resolution to support the Two State Solution in December 2019. 


Christian Persecution 

We see many Christians around the world are being persecuted and censored for holding to the teachings of the Bible. This is just the beginning of the persecution of Christians who will be deemed as hateful bigots, and a threat to society.


Economic Collapse

It appears an economic collapse looms above our head, as the petro dollar is at stake in Saudi Arabia and the Strait of Hormuz concerning various oil attacks. Meanwhile, the BOE Governor Mark Carney proposes to do away with the US petrodollar and establish a One World crypto currency that will most likely link to the Mark of the Beast.


WW3 Imminent 

We see WW3 tensions are increasing internationally and according to this Christian prophecy, which proved true. World War III is just around the corner!


Corona-Virus Pandemic 

It seems the Coronavirus was a controlled release by the Globalist Elite Luciferians in order to help birth the One World Order of the AntiChrist (Rev 13) and institute international Martial Law and FEMA Detainment Centers.


Shedding Snake Skin

Various cities in countries worldwide are protesting and rioting in the streets - Hong Kong, Chile, Barcelona, France, Etc. Meanwhile, a Presidential Coup and impeachment is forming in the United States of America. "Order Out of Chaos" is the Freemason motto and soon the AntiChrist One World Order will rise to power (Revelation 13).


Jerusalem is Expecting 

Israel is eagerly awaiting their Messiah (the AntiChrist) to confirm the 7 year peace deal (Daniel 9:27) before Jesus returns to reign and rule. Several Kabbalah Rabbis (unbiblical) prophesies are being published publically at to usher in the False Messiah and garner support for the Third Temple, along with a "renewed Noah covenant" with 70 nations by the San Hedrin?


Who is Jesus?

The Jews rejected Him, Muhammad of Islam calls Him a prophet, the Jehovah Witnesses say He is an angel incarnated, Mormons say He is not God, the Hindus say He is only a Holy Man, the New Age makes Him into a normal man who ascended through occult practices, Buddhist say He was enlightened. So, who exactly is Jesus? Please see the link for an in-depth look at the identity of Jesus.


One World Religion 

Pope Francis, who appears to be the False Prophet of Daniel's 70th Week, seems to be uniting the world religions and cultures together in apostasy to make way for the One World Religion of the AntiChrist (Revelation 13). While the truth of the Bible slips further and further away from the world.


Police Surveillance State

It seems the digital infrastructure is being constructed behind the scenes for the One World Order of the AntiChrist to be unveiled when the Beast is in full swing with a surveillance type police state similar to communist China. The Beast system will be able to hear all, see all, and track your every move with various appliances and digital acessories.


Illuminati Conspiracy 

The Freemasons, Scottish Rite, Illuminati, and the like, have infiltrated and controlled the narrative of our country by pulling strings in positions of power behind the scenes since the foundation of the USA in order to conspire to establish the New World Order of the AntiChrist and overthrow Biblical Christianity.


Red Vs Blue

The Red Vs Blue, Republican Vs Democrat, narrative seems to be increasing tension between the United States citizens as Civil War appears to be moments away. Media propaganda and elected officials fuel the divide according to the satanic agenda.


Gog of MaGog

10/2019 - Trump pulls American Military out of Syria, leaving Israel without support, and opening up a strong Gog and MaGog alliance presence in Syria.


The Narrow Way

Jesus himself said to strive to enter into the narrow gate, for many will seek to enter and shall not. Are you sure you have a clear understanding of salvation in Christ? Have you studied the scriptures yourself and sought the LORD in humility and truth?


I Pet Goat 2 - Decode 

It seems Lucifer is releasing some of his plans in plain sight in this Satanic Animated Short. Through False Flags and manipulated events, the Globalist Elite Luciferians seek to birth the New World Order of the AntiChrist.


Left Behind Letter

Here is a Left Behind Letter to place in Bibles or Left Behind Boxes for loved ones and anyone who would recieve it. 


Article Links - Biblical End Times Prophecy 


Rumble Videos

It appears that using a UV blacklight or medical imaging devices, the Luciferase in the cells or the Graphene Quantum Dots can be seen in the veins of those who have received the Mark of the Beast Vaccine, Microneedle Patch, Quantum Dot Tattoo, or Vaccine Pill, etc:

I believe the Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine, the quantum dot tattoo, the hydrogel, the Vax pill, the micro needle patch, and more! Resist these things peacefully at all costs as I believe they lead to eternal damnation as the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13-14)! It appears that the vaccine contains graphene oxide nanotubes and or iron oxide Nanoparticles that can change your DNA, connect you to the A.I. Cloud, and mark your cells with Luciferase Bioluminescence and more:

Grid Down Event - Cyber Polygon

The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

This Plandemic and New World Order Takeover is also a ploy to thrust mankind into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, merging man with machine through vaccine nanotechnology and cybernetic implants, Neuralink brain chips, Metaverse VR Headset, augmented reality, smart cities, the IOT (internet of things), and a 5G Artificial Intelligence Hivemind. The merging of man with the digital and spiritual world, man with the fallen ones - a symbiotic relationship with the fallen angels and demons through technology.

A Brave New World Order 

It appears that Metaverse is another attempt to blend reality with virtual reality and perhaps a biological fusion with A.I. is occurring with the vaccine nanotechnology and or Neuralink in order to trap the souls of man within the Antichrist Beast A.I. Network as hinted at in Omikron the 1999 Bill Gates Microsoft Video Game. Stay away from VR and Neuralink! 

A Virtual Hell - Neuralink Meta 

Here is a compilation of various media clips regarding Microwave weapons, DEWs, 5G, military technology, nanotechnology, and more. Please make your own assertions and conclusions and questions regarding this info. To me the 5G deployment is a cause for concern and the 5G could be multipurpose to connect everything wirelessly in the Internet of Things, create a Surveillance Smart Society, create the Borg Hivemind, and it could be tuned to weaponized zombie frequencies or interact with Nanotechnology for bodily harm?

TrumpetForYahweh Website

I have made copies of a lot of my articles found on my website in the case of Government censorship both before and after the Rapture of the Church (1 Corinthians 15:52).

Website PDF Copies 


Final Moments!!

It seems the mandatory vaccines will be forced alongside the RFID microchip, and I believe it is sin to receive a vaccine made from aborted fetus cells. It is also reported that these Coronavirus vaccines alter your mRNA and DNA. Some say the Coronavirus Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast and will alter your DNA and make you irredeemable as a hybrid creature and damned forever as with the Nephilim Giants. I tend to believe that is the case! We see now world governments and establishments are working to make vaccines mandatory in order to enter public places and to buy or sell which matches the description of the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13-14. Take heed and resist these things and or the quantum dot tattoo or hydrogel or another like-solution as they may be used as the Mark! Your eternal salvation is at stake!

Rapture is soon!!

- 1 Corinthians 15:52
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16
- Revelations 3:10

Printable Version of my left behind letter:


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