Capitol Protest

6/12/18 - AB 2943, SB320, AB2119
Went to the meeting at the West Steps of the State Capitol to hear the people speaking about homosexuals changing and finding Jesus. I was holding my sign and Joseph blew his trumpet afterwards.

We then went inside to oppose the bill  during open session. During the wait we saw people of all races and nationalities who were representing Jesus and urging to vote no. 

Me Joseph and another brother began singing and praising the Lord and we were told to quiet down. Later we started singing again and were filled with power and an annointing, and the Spirit came and people began praising the Lord with us, singing Hallelujah! 

It's like the Heavens opened and the Spirit came in a mighty way and we noticed a change in the atmosphere. We began praying and some speaking in tongues. We noticed a shift in the spiritual atmosphere. We went into the session meeting and urged them to vote no on SB320 and AB2119. We were too late to speak on AB2943.

We later talked with a sister in Christ and she said she had a vision of us marching around and the walls of Jericho falling down. So since we began praying and praising the Lord, the Lord is now moving to knock the enemies walls down. 


AB2943 - 5/15/18 - Today me and a brother in Christ held signs and passed out pamphlets at the abortion clinic and then drove a woman to an alternative solutions healthcare place to check her pregnancy. When she saw us she began crying because she had an abortion after seeing my friend and his sign last time when she was pressured by her parents to abort her baby. We told her the gospel and shared some Bible portions with her and she went on her way. While at the alternative solutions place we met a young woman who failed her exam and was crying frantically. We found out she was a Christian and began praying for her and speaking with her.

Then we picked up another brother and went to the CA State Capitol in order to meet with other Christians and protest AB 2943, a bill that could very well ban the sale of the Bible and make it classified as a hate speech due to the LGBT initiative. My friend began playing his trumpet and I with my Repent Jesus sign began singing and praising the LORD and were filled with peace and joy.

More Christians began coming and meeting and the atmosphere became peaceful and we prayed and met and had fellowship and took pictures of my sign and my friends' shirt that says 'Just Pray'. The next legislative meeting for this bill is on 6/12/18 (I think but need to confirm) at the Capitol, and we could have the chance to voice why we oppose the AB 2943 bill in session. Please help support the opposition of this bill in Jesus' name.

Bible Ban?

Message to Churches - Please fight for our God and help join forces and oppose AB2943, a bill that is in an effort to protect LGBT rights by limiting the free speech of Christians. This bill that has already passed the California Assembly is now under review in the Senate and can ultimately lead to the banning of Bibles for sale, and label our Holy scriptures as "hate speech."
California Family Council, in partnership with Capitol Resource Institute and Faith and Public Policy, will be hosting a ā€œDay of Actionā€ on the west steps of the California State Capitol on June 12 to fight for the freedom of all Californians to live out their faith and pursue the counseling of their choice. 

Of specific concern is AB 2943, a bill that outlaws resources, conferences, or paid counseling for anyone with unwanted same-sex desires or gender identity confusion. AB 2943 has already passed the Assembly 50-18, and will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee sometime in June.   

ā€œOur politicians want to outlaw counselors and ministries from helping people achieve their goals through Christā€™s message of hope and change,ā€ said California Family Council CEO Jonathan Keller. ā€œWe canā€™t let politicians declare our faith a fraud.ā€
Those interested in joining us should: Sign up for latest ā€œDay of Actionā€ information.

For more bill information can be found at

Schedule of Events:

The ā€œDay of Actionā€ will start at 9 a.m. with ā€œonce gayā€ men and women from ā€œEquipped to Loveā€ telling their stories of transformation, and how they were helped by the biblical resources and counseling AB 2943 seeks to ban.
At 12 p.m. the main event will be held with Christian leaders explaining the implications of AB 2943, leading participants in prayer, and defending the right of all Californians to live out their faith and pursue the counseling of their choice.

Confirmed speakers include:
Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel 
Chino Hills
John Jackson, President of William Jessup University
more to comeā€¦


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